Can I change my ferry tickets?

Yes, make a reservation by sending the reservation details via the contact form in order to make the change.

In case you have non-electronic tickets, the change is possible only if the tickets are sent to our office on time and within the time limit determined by each ferry company and we send you new tickets.

We inform you that the change of tickets is possible only for itineraries of the same company and has a cost of 5 euros per ticket.

General Terms & Conditions

The use of mask on the ferries is required!

Tickets are issued BY NAME and specifically must include:

  • Passenger's first & last name (in full)
  • Gender: Male/Female
  • Nationality (e.g. GR)
  • Date of birdth (Day/Month/Year)
  • Passport number (where required)

Contact Information

8-10, Eth. Venizelou Street 73200
     Souda - Chania, Greece

+30 28210 89644

+30 28210 81539
